Monday, September 2, 2013

A Big Big Day!

Today we decided that a nature walk was in order and that Mom and Dad needed to get out into the great outdoors.  Bob and Colleen came in the early evening and we drove to Hobble Creek Parkway and did a short nature walk.  Dad rode in the chair on the paved trail and Mom walked next to him, but after a while was using the chair a bit for balance.  Eventually we found a walking stick and that made a big difference for her.  We need to remember to bring a cane in the trunk for Mom.  I never thought of that until today. After a while Colleen walked with her and let her hold on to her arm.  I thought that was very sweet.  I would have offered, but having canceled my knee surgery, I'm not so stable myself!

So, the day started out with the aide coming to do Dad's shower.  She stayed a bit and ate a little breakfast and told us about essential oils.  There are some things we can do now to keep Dad's skin moist and protect it so that he has less of a chance of getting sores when he is less mobile.  I really appreciated her advice!

Right after the aide left, the physical therapist arrived and had Dad walking all around the downstairs.  He really was moving better today and communicating a little better, too.  The kids are getting good at helping Dad out the back door, around to the front door, up the stairlift and all the way to bed. Everyone gets frustrated when there is more than one person giving Dad instructions, so we need to remind each other to leave Dad alone if someone is already helping him.  It's kind of hard for some us to remember!  Because you care about him and you don't want anything to happen, and if you think you have a better way of doing something, you may lose control and say something, but really.  Everything does go better if one person owns it and everyone else takes a break.

It is so, so nice that there are five of us that can get him upstairs.  Sometimes I remind Mom that we will get him upstairs and she can take a break. It's a great chance for her to take care of herself. So, I think everyone will get some good sleep tonight after an exhausting day.  Dad finished up the evening watching a little college football on ESPN, we ready scriptures, and called it a day.

That's probably the most activity we've had for Dad in a day and Mom seemed real happy to have some action going on.  Maybe if there is enough action she can relax a bit?  My mom is a real mover.

Tomorrow, Eric will be here all day and will be able to take Mom to her dermatologist appointment.  That is a HUGE relief to me as my Tuesdays are so, so busy!  

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